The Call has been launched on the Filmfreeway platform
Uno Sguardo Raro – Rare Disease International Film Festival is the first International Film Festival that selects and promotes the best videos from all over the world on the theme of rare diseases, disability and social inclusion. The Festival was launched at a time when the rare disease community was engaged in raising awareness and almost all events were disease-centered. USR-RDIFF pioneered emotional storytelling with the intent of breaking the isolation of the most fragile.
The first event of Uno Sguardo Raro – Rare Disease International Film Festival represented a small revolution that, by highlighting these “invisible” stories that were touching, exciting, comical and informative, through cinema, involved a wide audience not only on the disease, but also on transversal themes such as social inclusion, respect and the ability to welcome diversity. Each year this unique film event, now at its 7th edition, takes place over a week of online and in-person events, with the collaboration and support of public and private, national and international partners from the worlds of film, entertainment, healthcare, communications and Education.